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Item Restricted The Role of consumer socialization in the process of advertising literacy among Egyptian children : A comparative study between perceptual and analytical stages /Louis, Julie Emad,; Supervisor : Nagwa El Gazzar, Dina Orabi. Includes Arabic Summary.During this technological era, children are born into an environment that is saturated with different forms of advertising including the embedded formats, and they have become highly targeted by advertisers as they form a potential segment of the market. Consumer Socialization Theory explains the stages children pass through and the socialization process by which they acquire skills, knowledge, preferences and attitudes that allow them to function as valuable consumers in the marketplace. Advertising literacy is one of the most important skills acquired throughout this process and it acts as a defense mechanism against the negative impacts of advertising on children, empowering them to deal with the commercial messages without harming their development process. This interdisciplinary research aims to investigate the role consumer socialization plays in the process of acquiring and activating advertising literacy among Egyptian children across two different consumer socialization stages, the Perceptual stage (ages 3 to 7) and the Analytical stage (ages 7 to 11). Consumer Socialization Theory and Malmelin’s model with its dimensions of advertising literacy are utilized as the theoretical framework for this research. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches are implemented in this study through structured surveys for children based on Advertising Literacy Scale for children (ALS-c), and another one for parents, and focus groups for more insights with mothers. The findings of this study shows that children of both stages are having almost equal abilities conceptual advertising literacy indicating that both stages are facing real challenges to cognitively deal with the new embedded advertisement formats. Analytical stage children were found to develop a slightly higher level of Attitudinal advertising literacy, however their level of responsiveness to the persuasion messages of the embedded advertising questions their ability to utilize these skills for their own benefit.Item Restricted The Representation of ancient Egyptian history in global animated cartoons : A comparative study of Egyptian, American, and Japanese Animated Cartoons /Alamr, Maha Mansour Abdullah,; Supervisor : Mohamed Hossam Ismail, Amr Mohamed Galal. Includes Arabic Summary.Ancient Egyptian history is represented in global animated cartoons. This study investigates the representation of ancient Egyptian history in Egyptian, American and Japanese animated cartoons. The research analyzes and compares the animated cartoons with ancient Egyptian representation in each production country. The study conducted qualitative and quantitative methodology techniques. By using qualitative and quantitative linguistic discourse analysis. Besides, using qualitative semiotic analysis of Nine animated cartoons, Three animated cartoons from each production county. Results of the study found that there are several differences in there presentation of ancient Egypt among the Egyptian, American, and Japanese animated cartoons. The qualitative results showed that the Egyptian animations primarily focused on providing historical information, specifically about ancient Egyptian queens and kings. American animations focused on representing ancient Egyptian temples as places for magic and demons. Japanese animations took a different approach, by focusing on representing ancient Egyptian deities and provided information about their responsibilities. In all the three countries of production the ancient Egyptian culture was mixed with other cultures such as American, Japanese, and European cultures. Also, it showed that there are many differences between the representation of ancient Egyptian characters in animated cartoons and in history. The quantitative results showed that the most represented personality in Egyptian animated cartoons is the friendly personality, the percentage is 25%. The most represented personality in American animated cartoons is the aggressive personality, the percentage is 35%. The most represented personality in Japanese animated cartoons is the strong personality, the percentage is 22.5%. Additionally, research findings proved that there is a correlation between roles represented by ancient Egyptian characters and the country of the production.Item Restricted Uses of Facebook memes as a social interactive tool among Egyptians : comparative study across meme topics /Mohamed, Marwa Hatem Nour El-Din Hassan,; Supervisor : Khaled Salah-Eddin, Aliaa Turafy. Includes Arabic Summary.Item Restricted The influence of media awareness messages on Egyptians' attitude towards water consumption : A comparative study between television and social media platforms /Azzam, Ranim Fathi Anwar,; Supervisor : Hanan Geneid, Hanan Kamal Kilani. Includes Arabic Summary.Item Restricted The influence of Egyptian movies on Egyptians’ attitude towards Jewish character : A comparative study across two generations /Badr, Sara Tarek,; Supervisor : Khaled Salah El-Din, Nihal Abdelrahman. Includes Arabic Summary.Item Restricted The effectiveness of advertising value in forming consumer’s attitudes towards advertising : A comparative study between television and personalized social media advertising /El Sayed, Yasmine El Sayed Saeed,; Supervisor : Aliaa Turafy, Dalia Mohamed Abdallah.Item Restricted The role of social media travel blogs and pages on youth’s traveling decisions : A comparative cross-cultural study between Egypt and Norway /Soliman, Rana Mohamed,The youth now consider travel to be fundamental to their lives. They do not just travel for fun and escape; they also do it to see the world and encounter different cultures. The traveler's journey has changed since the development of the Internet and social media from what it formerly was; it is no longer necessary to rely on professionally edited guidebooks or even paper charts to reroute to the most recent location. Instead, tourists now benefit from quick access to information on the Internet. Travelers nowadays approach trip-planning differently, from initial inspiration to actual booking, because of the real-time access to useful information that is frequently crowdsourced. Additionally, travelers have started following influencers and travel bloggers to gain travel and vacation inspiration. Hence, this study aims to detect and analyze the role of Instagram travel blogs and Facebook travel pages on the youth’s traveling decisions consideration through comparing Egypt and Norway as two different cultures in terms of their response to the travel posts they get exposed to on social media whether for inspiration or information gathering. This study applies the reader-response theory and uses qualitative and quantitative methodologies for rich information gathering. The results showed a positive and statistically significant correlation between using travel blogs as a source of information or inspiration and travel decision-making considerations. However, Egyptians are more likely to be affected by travel blogs as a source of information than Norwegians. On the other hand, it was found that both Egyptians and Norwegians were likely equal in the way they were affected by travel blogs as a source of inspiration. A deeper investigation of different cultural dimensions models is recommended to explain the diversity among cultures.Item Restricted The role of media in raising societal awareness of mental health and psychological issues : A comparative study between Egyptian TV drama and Facebook content /Irian, Sylvia Joseph George Mossaad,Traditional media, especially television, has always had a significant influence on society. It can shape people's understanding, influence, and beliefs and even create awareness of important issues. Mental illness that allows an issue portrayed in various drama series, shedding light on individuals' struggles with mental disorders. With the rise of new media platforms like Facebook, the landscape of media representation is changing. This study aims to explore the role of both traditional and new media in creating societal awareness about mental health issues. By applying social identity theory, the researchers explore how portraying mentally disordered characters in TV dramas and new media practices contribute to understanding mental illness. Through a combination of surveys and content analysis, this research aims to shed light on the portrayal of mentally disordered characters depicted in media, particularly in TV drama, along with the new media practices towards creating awareness of mental illness. The study surveyed 400 people to test their understanding of specific mental disorders and their exposure to traditional and new media practices and analyzed nine drama series, three Facebook groups, pages, and campaigns. The study found a significant connection between how the public perceives mental disorders and where they obtain information about them. Exposure to Egyptian drama series was found to have a significant relationship with the public's identification of mental disorders. The study found that new media is more effective in creating awareness and reaching a higher level of understanding than television drama series. Keywords: mental health awareness, traditional media, new media, portrayal, drama seriesItem Restricted The representation of conceptual frames of women in drama : a comparative analytical Study between video on demand platforms and television series in Egypt /Allam, Salma Tarek,; Supervisor : Nihal Abd-ElRahman, Khaled Salah-Eddin. Includes Arabic Summary.Drama, across time, has consistently become a significant popular tool of media and a resource for researching and comprehending society. This is because of the fact that they provide additional insight about how the society views and defines itself, as well as how people are portrayed. This comparative study examines and analyzes how women are conceptualized in terms of social status representations along with the religiously featured characters in TV series and VOD platforms. As the process of modernization has taken place; more modern and contemporary images of women are increasingly emerging. Accordingly, the significance of this study relies upon the fact of comparing Egyptian women portrayals in traditional television series and the contemporary video on demand services. Although several studies have shown that women are stereotypically portrayed in drama series, most of these studies have concentrated on the roles in which women are portrayed rather than examining additional variables that include their predominant frames, their personality traits, and their salient characteristics in terms of their social status and religious features. This study fills a gap in the literature by selecting specific representations to analyze how frequently certain frames with specific personality traits appear in drama portrayals, which eventually leads to conceptual frames of women. Moreover, exploring variations in how women are portrayed depending on the platform. The climax episodes of each series will be the focus of analytical examinations of the female characters in five television drama series and five video on demand (VOD) series since this is when the characters evolve and the motif shifts. Qualitative cinematographic analysis is used to assess the symbolic semiotic concept's impact on meanings construction and how the representations of women may be affected in conjunction with quantitative content analysis.Item Restricted The Impact of social media influencers on instagram versus traditional celebrities on young Egyptians' attitudes towards brands : A comparative study between brand endorsers on instagram and celebrities on television /Al-Rafie, Nouran Moheb Mahmoud Kamel,; Supervisor : Hebatullah Bahjat El-Semary, Nagwa Mohamed El-Gazzar.Item Restricted Examining the technology acceptance model in relevance to the E-learning system in Egypt : a comparative study between online and offline learning in higher education in Egypt /Selim, Nadine Hossam Eldin,; Supervisor : Hebatulla Bahjat ElSemary, Hanan Kamal Kilani.Item Restricted Representations of women in Egyptian television drama and social change : a comparative drama analysis of two decades /Anwar, Sherouk Ayman,; Supervisor : Hebatulla Bahjat ElSemary, Hanan Kamal Kilani.Item Restricted The Role of women's empowerment campaigns strategies on female's perception of their rights : A comparative study between Egypt and The United States of America /Abdelmagied, Salma Mohamed Sayed,; Supervisor : Rizk Saad Abdel Moaty, Dina Oraby.Item Restricted The influence of social media consumption on cultural alienation among youth : A comparative study between Egypt and Russia /Dessouki, Amira Amr Abdel Latif,; Supervisor : Khaled Salah ElDin, Rizk Saad Abdel Moaty.Item Restricted The representations of sexual harassment in the Egyptian media : a comparative discourse analysis between professional media and citizen journalism.Elshazly, Aya Ashraf Elsayed,; Supervisor : Khaled Salah El-Din, Nihal Abdelrahman.Item Restricted The representations of COVID 19 in the Egyptian and the American political cartoons : a comparative semiotic and cultural study .Mohamed, Noha Youssef Mahmoud,; Supervisor : Mohammed Hossam Ismail, Khaled Salah Elddin.Item Restricted Public attitudes towards COVID-19 communication messages : A comparative study between traditional and new media messages of the Egyptian Ministry of Health.(2022) El-Zayady, Salma Amr Abdel Rahman,; Supervisor : Heba Shaheen, Nagwa Mohamed El-Gazzar.The emerging pandemic requires proper communication plan with the various public to educate them about the health dangers that they face and how to take the necessary precautions. The research analyzes the messages shared by the Egyptian ministry of health over the traditional and new media, measure understanding of and attitudes towards those messages, and explore the message content and format that the Egyptian public prefer and search for during pandemics. The study conducted qualitative and quantitative techniques. The extended parallel process Model is used to identify how the public perceives media messages during risk and crisis, as well as measuring attitudes towards the messages. Results found that during the first 111 days of the pandemic, the ministry of health had issued 497 posts over the official Facebook Page, 447 posts over the official Instagram account and 104 videos over the official YouTube channel. The main aim of most posts is spreading awareness of the virus and presenting directions to deal with the virus. The primary source of information that the various publics rely on is social media. Videos and infographics are the most preferred forms of messages that the publics follow. The awareness messages in the form of advices are the most shared types of messages. The Facebook platform is proven to be the highest platform the Egyptian publics rely on for health awareness information and the most used by the Egyptian ministry of health. The majority have positive attitude toward radio announcements, public service announcements that were aired on television, posters shared in schools, mosques and public transportations shared by the ministry of health clarifying the preventative methods. Television programs were the most preferred traditional medium during the pandemic, followed by the flyers and poster, radio, and newspapers consecutively. The sample has positive attitude towards messages shared over the official social media pages of the Egyptian ministry of health including the infographics highlighting the protective actions and the educational videos shared by the ministry of health over Facebook and YouTube to take the necessary precautions to protect themselves and families.Item Restricted The impact of Korean drama on the Egyptian youth lifestyle : A comparative study between television and online drama viewers .(2022) Anwar, Israa Gamal Farouk,; Supervisor : Hebatalla Bahjat El-Semary, Hanan Kamal Kilani.This research explores the impact that Korean drama has on Egyptian youth lifestyle in terms of three main aspects: opinion, activities, and interests through a comparative study between the television and the Internet viewers. The study analyses secondary data related to the Korean wave as a whole and its impact on youth. The theoretical framework is based on the Acculturation Theory to study the axes that impact Egyptian youth who are exposed to Korean culture through Korean drama. The methodology includes both a qualitative technique (content analysis of Korean drama), and a quantitative one (survey of 401 respondents). The results indicate that the activities aspect of the Egyptian youth lifestyle is the most impacted one, and that such impact is higher on the online viewers compared to the television viewers. The research caters for the ninth goal of the 17 sustainable development goals which is the industry innovation and infrastructure, encouraging industry professionals to adopt innovative ideas for television drama, and to examine the impact of different cultures on the Egyptian youth lifestyle.Item Restricted The influence of indirect marketing activities of social media influencers and brand placement in series and movies on consumer's purchase intentions : A comparative study between traditional and new media.(2022) Mostafa, Mai Ali Abdel-Azim,; Supervisor : Hanan Gunied, Nagwa El-Gazzar.The purpose of this research is to study the influence of indirect marketing activities on the purchasing intentions of consumers. Indirect marketing activities place products and brands in traditional media such as series and movies and use social media influencers to promote brands in form of videos that suggest using the brand. The results of this study proved that product placement in traditional media “drama whether series or movies” is being noticed by the viewers and affects the viewers’ intention to buy. Also, social media influencers affect the purchasing intentions of the followers especially in the food industry. Furthermore, marketers find that product placement is a very important tool of advertisement and having social media influencers promoting for their products and brands are very beneficial. It has been noticed that males also get affected by the product placement in traditional media and the social media influencers as the females do. Most of the males and females who are viewers of traditional media and follow influencers are of age group 25-35 years old. This study uses the Hierarchy of Effects Model. The model consists of three main stages which are cognitive (Think), affective (Feel), and conative (Do). Both qualitative and quantitative techniques are used to measure the variables of the study. This topic falls under SDG number 12 about the Responsible consumption and production; ensuring that people have relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and ensuing sustainable consumption and production patterns, this is elaborated when people are influenced by the traditional media and the social media influencers.Item Restricted The role of media content in changing nutrition habits in Egypt : A comparative study between television programs and Instagram blogs.(2022) Ghoneam, Nehal Waleed Sobhy,; Supervisor : Hebatalla Bahjat El-Semary, Hanan Kamal Kilani.Traditional media has been for many years influencing its audience, changing their habits and introducing them to new trends in health and nutrition. Similarly, with the emergence of social media platforms, especially blogs on Instagram, they created a new way of communicating and influencing their followers. Therefore, this paper is important as it aims to explore the role of each; a nutrition television program versus a healthy Instagram food blog and the main reasons for audience seeking each. This area of investigation is essential as it falls under the third goal of the seventeen sustainable development goals set by the United Nations, which is maintaining health and well-being. The study applies the uses and gratifications theory to understand more the reasons behind each media consumer seeking a specific medium to gratify a particular need. To know whether health and nutrition television programs or healthy Instagram food blogs help Egyptians acquire healthier nutrition habits. The results showed a significant correlation between Egyptians being exposed to both health and nutrition television programs and healthy Instagram food blogs to seek information and recipes to gratify their needs to acquire healthier nutrition habits. However, most healthy food blog users are females between 16 and 26 years old. A deeper investigation in this area is recommended, to know why females are interested in males and which type of content is appealing and of interest to them.