Micro tensile bond Strength of resin composite to artificially demineralized dentin after remineralization by different remineralizing agents : In vitro study /
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The purpose of this In vitro study was to investigate the micro-tensile
bond strength of resin composite restoration to proximal artificially
demineralized dentin, and sound dentin compared to demineralized dentin
after being remineralized with two remineralizing agents (NaF solution
and eggshell nHAp) separately and combined using the universal bonding
system. As well as evaluating the effect of the two modes of application
(Etch-and-Rinse / Self-Etch) on the applied remineralizing agent and the
micro-tensile bond strength of resin composite restoration.
A total of 30 sound molars’ proximal surfaces were used in this study.
The teeth’s occlusal enamel was removed till the DEJ to allow exposing
the proximal DEJ, then the proximal surfaces were cut 3mm from the
outer proximal enamel surface to allow working on the deep proximal
dentin. The teeth were split into two halves parallel to the long axis (mesial
half and distal half) to allow each tooth to be its own comparator regarding
the bonding mode, all done using a water-cooled Sectioning IsoCut
Wafering Blade mounted on IsoMet 4000 linear sawing (Buehler). Finally,
the teeth were decoronated perpendicular to the long axis, the roots were
discarded and the coronal samples were used in the study.
Each deep dentin sample (mesial and distal halves) was fixed in pink
self-cured acrylic resin cylinders; their proximal deep dentin surface
facing upward and their pulpal surface in the acrylic, the samples were
placed slightly above the acrylic resin surface by approximately 1 mm.
Then each half was coded to make sure that each tooth was its own
comparator regarding the bonding mode. The samples were stored in
distilled water till the day of the study (2 days after samples preparation).
The samples were randomly divided into five groups according to the
remineralization protocols (G), positive control group (G1): the dentin
was left sound without demineralization process or any surface treatment,
negative control group (G2): the dentin surfaces were demineralized and
left without any surface treatment, (G3) the dentin surfaces were
demineralized then treated by 2% NaF solution as a remineralizing
protocol, (G4) the dentin surfaces were demineralized then treated by
eggshell nHAp as a remineralizing protocol, and (G5) the dentin surfaces
were demineralized then treated by a combination of eggshell nHAp with
2% NaF solution as a remineralizing protocol.
Each group was then further divided into two subgroups using the
previous coding to make sure that each tooth was its own comparator
regarding the mode of application of the bonding agent (B), where (B1)
represents the Etch-and-Rinse mode, while (B2) represents the Self-Etch
Dentin artificial demineralization was done to all the groups except
G1, using demineralizing gel {5 mL of 6% carboxymethylcellulose acid
gel (0.1 M lactic acid titrated to pH 5.0 in a KOH solution) at pH 5.0 and
37 ◦C}. The deep proximal dentin surfaces were covered in gel for 48
hours without renewal. Where this model has been reported to supposedly
provide a demineralized dentin similar to that of caries-affected dentin.
After 48 hours the samples were rinsed with distilled water and air dried.
Surface treatments were done to only G3, G4 and G5 as follow:
G3: The surfaces were treated by a chemically prepared 2% NaF
solution which was applied by a 1mm polyethylene plastic pipette and left
on the surfaces for 1 min then blot dried.
G4: The surfaces were treated by chemically prepared eggshell
nHAp dissolved in distilled water (1.8 g of nHAp was mixed with 0.3 mL
of distilled water), applied by a spatula, and left on the surfaces for 1 min
then rinsed with distilled water and blot dried.
G5: The surfaces were treated by a combination of eggshell nHAp
dissolved in a 2% NaF solution (1.8 g of nHAp was mixed with 0.3 mL of
2% NaF solution), applied by a spatula, and left on the surfaces for 1 min
then rinsed with distilled water and blot dried.
In Etch-and-Rinse groups the pretreated dentin surfaces were etched
with Meta Etchant 37% phosphoric acid semi-gel for 15 seconds, rinsed
for 10 seconds, and blot dried. Then for both groups (Etch-and-Rinse and
Self-Etch) 3M™ Single Bond Universal Adhesive was applied following
the manufacturer instructions. Then 3M™ Filtek™ Z350 XT Universal
Restorative (A3 Body Shade nanocomposite) was used to build a 3-4 mm
composite block on the deep dentin surfaces and it was measured using a
periodontal probe. The samples were then kept in artificial saliva for 24
hours before sectioning.
The samples were transferred to the IsoMet 4000 Linear Precision
Saw (BUEHLER, Ltd., Lake Bluff, IL, USA) to allow sectioning of each
surface longitudinally in horizontal cuts, then vertical cuts using a
Sectioning IsoCut Wafering Blade to create rods, of similar cross sectional area (1mm x 1mm). The rods with dentin thickness 2-3 mm were
chosen for each group, specimens that showed pretest failures were not
included (n = 9). A total of 72 rods for 8 subgroups were collected and
stored in distilled water. Each beam was then mounted to the Gerald Eli’s
jig to allow micro tensile testing.
The results of the current study revealed that the bond strength of
resin composite restoration to negative control group (G2) proximal
artificially demineralized dentin without any surface treatment showed the
worst results with pretest failure, and that all surface treatments done
regardless of the type of the remineralizing agent (G3, G4, G5) showed an
improvement in the bond strength to be similar to positive control (G1)
sound dentin.
The NaF solution group (G3) and the eggshell nHAP group (G4)
when used separately showed the highest results and weren’t affected by
the different bonding modes. While the combined group nHAP and NaF
(G5) showed less results, yet it showed improvement in comparison to the
untreated dentin surfaces. As well as it was affected by the etching step in
the Etch-and-Rinse mode, therefore it showed better results when used
with universal adhesive in Self-Etch mode.
DISSERTATION NOTE-Name of granting institution Misr International University, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine
Includes bibliographic references.
DISSERTATION NOTE-Name of granting institution Misr International University, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine
Includes bibliographic references.