Effect of Nano forms of propolis and antibiotic pastes as canal medicaments on radicular dentin micro-hardness and chemical structure : (In vitro study).
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Propolis and
Antibiotic Pastes (Double and Triple) in both Micro and Nano-forms on
radicular dentin micro-hardness and chemical structure.
Forty-two extracted human single rooted mandibular premolars were
collected with mature apices and one root canal. Those teeth were deidentified
and checked radiographically.
The forty-two teeth were classified into three different experimental
groups equally (14 each) according to the type of testing materials; group A
(Propolis-PRP), group B (Double antibiotic paste- DAP) and group C (Triple
antibiotic paste-TAP). Each group will be subdivided into two subgroups (7
each) according to the particle size used to prepare the medicament either
Micro or Nano-sized. Subgroup A1 (Micro-PRP), subgroup A2 (Nano-PRP),
subgroup B1 (Micro-DAP), subgroup B2 (Nano-DAP), subgroup C1 (Micro-
TAP) and subgroup C2 (Nano-TAP).
Teeth were decoronated to a standard 16 mm, an apical patency was
checked using K-file #10 then 1mm was subtracted in order to establish an
accurate working length. Mechanical preparation was done using Mpro three
files rotary system with 3ml of 2.6% sodium hypochlorite irrigation with
manual dynamic agitation subsequent to each filing step. Canals were rinsed
with saline as a final flush and dried with paper point.
The prepared samples were subjected to longitudinal sectioning
resulting in buccal and lingual halves by an isomet. All buccal halves
considered as the experimental half while lingual halves considered as the
coronal half. Each half was mounted in acrylic resin for easy material
application and machine testing. Each lumen was encircled by pink wax to
preserve medicament in place.
Each experimental group received precisely 1 ml of the assigned
medicament for each subgroup. Then samples left untouched and stored for
two weeks in 37C° and 100% humidity in incubator. After 14 days, 2.5%
NaOCL irrigation using ultrasonic file # 15 for one minute with power 9 was
used in order to remove and wash away the applied medicaments. Following
that, the lumens were flushed thoroughly with 5ml distilled water. Samples
were subjected to the Vickers micro-hardness and an Energy Dispersive Xray-
Scanning Electron Microscope (EDX-SEM) test to check both the control
and experimental group’s micro-hardness and chemical structure.
Moreover, both control and experimental samples were fixed in the
Vickers machine in a manner allowing the sample’s half to face upward
toward the machine indenter. Three indentations have been done at coronal,
middle and apical levels. The indenter was placed smoothly at 1 μm form the
lumen, creating indentations at the edge towards the dentin outer border using
50 g load for 10 seconds. The indenters were measured using an optical
microscope connected to a digital camera with image analysis software. After
the load is removed, the indentation is focused with the magnifying eye piece
and the two impression diagonals were measured, usually to the nearest 0.1-
μm with a micrometer, and averaged. The final hardness values were obtained
as the mean of each three indentation readings.
Furthermore, the same specimens both control and experimental were
subjected to a specific type of x-ray that would be detected by an EDX
detector at the root parts that are devoid of previous indentations. The detector
was placed in a very close angle to the sample’s half, detecting the generated
photons of the x-ray; to predict the integrity of this sample. Afterwards; the
halves were introduced into the scanning electron microscope that is already
attached to EDX. Evaluation, analyzation and detection of any morphological
and structural changes within the samples were made, at accelerating voltage
30 K.V magnification14x up to 1000000 and resolution for Gun.1nm.
Upon comparing the outcomes, the results showed that the material and
root canal level had a statistically significant effect on the median percentage
change on root dentin micro-hardness. DAP as an intracanal medicament had
the greatest effect regarding percentage reduction on dentin micro-hardness,
followed by Nano-TAP. Also, with respect to root levels, there was no
significant difference found at the coronal root level. However, DAP and
Propolis had the highest statistically significant median percentage decrease
in micro-hardness at the middle root level, while Nano-TAP had the highest
statistically significant median % reduction in micro-hardness at apical root
Upon comparing chemical structure outcomes, the results showed that
there was a statistically significant mean calcium weight % difference found
between canal medicaments at different root levels. Control group had the
highest statistically significant mean calcium weight %, whereas Propolis had
the lowest statistically significant mean calcium weight % among the groups
at different root levels. Additionally, the coronal root level had the highest
statistically significant mean calcium weight % among middle and apical root
In addition, the results showed that there was a statistically significant
mean phosphorus weight % difference found between canal medicaments at
different root levels. Propolis group had the highest statistically significant
mean phosphorus weight %, whereas control had the lowest statistically
significant mean phosphorus weight % among the groups at different root
levels. furthermore, no statistically significant difference was found between
the middle and apical root levels; both had the highest statistically significant
mean phosphorus weight % than coronal root level.
Besides, the results showed that there was a statistically significant
mean Ca:P ratio difference found between canal medicaments at different root
levels. The control group had the highest statistically significant mean Ca:P
ratio, whereas the Propolis group had the lowest statistically significant mean
Ca:P ratio among the groups at different root levels. Also, the coronal root
level had the highest statistically significant mean Ca:P ratio among middle
and apical root levels.
Finally, there was no statistically significant correlation between Ca, P
weight %, Ca:P ratio and percentage decrease in microhardness.
Includes Arabic Summary and Includes bibliographic references.
DISSERTATION NOTE-Name of granting institution Misr International University, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine.
DISSERTATION NOTE-Name of granting institution Misr International University, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine.