Supervisor : Maged Elhakim, Lomaya Ghanem.Mahdi, Omar Moutaz Elsayed Ahmed,2022-01-172022-03-272022-01-172022-03-272019.EG-CaMIUThs303 NOTE-Degree type M.Sc.DISSERTATION NOTE-Name of granting institution Misr International University, Faculty of Oral and Dental MedicineIncludes Arabic Summary.Includes bibliographic references (pages 51-69)`At present, there is a trend to develop biomaterials that have bioactive functions, in addition to their basic properties. Bioactive glass was added to glass ionomer cements to stimulate bone growth, to replace bone, and to decrease dentine hypersensitivity. Incorporation of bioactive glass into commercial GICs to enhance bioactivity was examined. Bio active material introduce a specific biologic response at tissue surface interface. Once bioglass particles attach to dentine surface they form a surface hydroxycarboappetiate layer sealing the tubules, decreasing dentine hypersensitivity and dissolve ions that initiate the cell growth factors that cause cell regenerative and reconstructive capacity which is commonly known as regenerative dentistry. One of the bio active cements that is gaining attention nowadays is Ceramir crown and bridge. Many recent studies reported that ceramir crown and bridge showed no loss of retention, secondary caries or marginal discolorations, furthermore concerning the margins of all observed restorations the integrity was clinically sound, no sensitivity or gingival inflammation. This is why the study of bio active cements in comparison to other cements is of great importance nowadays.72 pages : illustrations, photo ; 30 cmtextapplication/pdfengFixed ProsthodonticsFracture Resistance of E max Crowns Bonded with Bio-actice Cements : In Vitro Study /مقاومة الكسر لتيجان اى ماكس الملصوقة بالاسمنت النشط بيولوجيا :text