Supervisor : Dina Wafik ElKassas, Sameh Mahmoud Nabih.Shalaby, Ahmed Nabil Hassan,2023-09-172023-09-172023EG-CaMIUDNT Ths451 M.Sc. 2023 NOTE-Degree type M.Sc.DISSERTATION NOTE-Name of granting institution Misr International University, Faculty of Oral and Dental MedicineIncludes bibliographic references.Includes Arabic Summary.69 pages :photo 29 cm +textapplication/pdfengDentistry, OperativeMicro shear bond strength of resin based composite restorations to Er, Cr:YSGG Laser treated tooth surfaces versus conventional acid etching : an in vitro studyقياس قوة القص للراتنج الملصوق لسطح المينا والعاج المعالج بالليزر ومقارنته بالمعالجة التقليدية بالخرفشة الحمضية : دراسة مختبريةtext