Supervisor: Khaled Salah Eddin, Mohamed Hossam Ismail.Mohamed, Habiba Ayman El Sayed,2022-11-022022-11-022022EG-CaMIUThs413 NOTE-Name of granting institution Misr International University, Faculty of Al-Alsun and Mass CommunicationDISSERTATION NOTE-Degree type M.Sc.Includes Arabic Summary.Includes bibliographic references.This study aimed to analyze the influence of the lobbying of social issues taking place on both social media on its different platforms, which are Facebook and Twitter in comparison to traditional media in the forms of movies and TV series upon the legislative response in Egypt. The legislative response is identified as the response during active cases in form of amendments, changes in laws, and activation of others as well. Mass media has proven its efficiency over the years for how operative it is when it comes to forming and shaping the world around us. Starting with traditional media and the multiple effects of lobbying, in forms of news coverage, it had a rival change in public perception and societal changes. Accordingly, this research aims to analyze how media attention can be a catalyst of change in social issues, and how it contributes to the act of changing and creating and amending the legislative process in Egypt. This paper had analyzed the part of traditional media in the context of Egyptian movies and TV series that took place during the period of (1950-2022), choosing movies that presented social issues and has proven to play an important role in amending legislations in Egypt. The set of social issues issues that were identified within the Egyptian movies and TV series were women issues, minorities issues, environmental issues, etc… The study targeted 5 Egyptian movies and TV series, the researcher had taken a sample that identified the criteria and had the latest TV series that contributed to changes in legislation in Egypt. The researcher had analyzed the social issues portrayed within the movies and tv series, in addition to the values, use of wording, and shot sizes. The production of films created an influence when it came to presenting social issues, the things that people go through every day but never thought were of a huge importance, or were affecting their lives in a way. Not only have new media shown an enormous power in influencing public opinion but also in shedding light to amend, activate and formulate new legislations. This study used two methodologies in the light of analysis: qualitative and quantitative. The quantitative method was a content analysis of the Egyptian movies and TV series in addition to hashtags on Twitter and Facebook to explore how did the Egyptian movies and TV series portray social issues that had later on impacted legislative response, in addition to analyzing the hashtags of Maadi’s girl and Fairmont cases and to see the relation of the hashtags to the legislative response. The second method was divided into two parts, first qualitative technique is content analysis to analyze the hashtags and the news pieces that got published during the case’s activation, in addition to fifteen different in-depth interviews with journalists who attend parliamentary sessions, law consultants, and social media moderators in order to get deeper insights and understandings in the light of the topic. The researcher used both Framing Theory and Social Responsibility theory, to examine how social issues are represented in the media and how social responsibility in the light of legislators are influenced by these representations. The researcher created a model based upon framing theory which explains the relationship between media’s lobbying of social issues in its different forms and how it affects the legislation process. The researcher has concluded that social media fastens the legislative response, most of the topics discussed on social media and traditional media were followed by an amendment, the issues that had the highest response were the issues related to women and environmental issues. Accordingly, the researcher had proved that both social media and traditional media have a direct influence in legislative response in different tools and systems levels.116 pages : illustrations, photo 29 cmtextapplication/pdfengLobbying in media;Pressure groups.;Social mediaThe influence of media lobbying for social issues upon the legislative response in Egypt : A comparative study between traditional and new mediaComparative media studies;تأثير جماعات الضغط الإعلامي المتعلقة بالقاضيا الإجتماعية على الإستجابة التشريعية في مصر : دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بين وسائل الإعلام التقليدية ووسائل التواصل الإجتماعيtext